The highest quality procedure with the best outcome

Wells Endodontics is where you can be assured of this superior level of root canal cleaning and disinfection.


Dr. Wells has done more GentleWave® procedures than anyone else in the world!

Wells Endodontics was selected as the first practice in the Eastern United States to utilize the GentleWave® Multisonic Ultraclean™ System.



Dr. Wells has been following the studies related to the GentleWave® system in scientific journals for several years. He is impressed with the technology and with the well-documented outcomes it provides. Dr. Wells believes this new technology, the product of over ten years of intensive research and development, represents an entirely new way of thinking about root canal therapy.

What is Gentle Wave?


GentleWave® Multisonic Ultraclean™ System technology leaves virtually no portion of canal space untouched and disinfects at a level conventional methods simply cannot.  

This procedure utilizes a single-use sterilized hand piece to deliver broad spectrum acoustic technology and a powerful vortex of cleaning fluids throughout every canal enabling Wells Endodonitcs to provide its patients with:

  • Superior cleaning and disinfection in all areas of the root canal anatomy

  • Reduced procedure time and post-procedure pain

  • Removal of all infected tissue

  • Faster healing with reduced chances of reinfection and

  • Reduction of potential complications associated with traditional root canal therapy.